
Beyond a shadow of doubt
Beyond a shadow of doubt

beyond a shadow of doubt beyond a shadow of doubt

It’s more like a messy finger painting, colors once beautiful, turned a muddy brown from too much mixing. A feeling of uncertainty about the truth, reality or nature of something.ĭoubt doesn’t paint a pretty picture.To be uncertain about consider questionable or unlikely hesitate to believe.Let’s start with a few definitions for doubt from (emphasis mine): Too much time takes me to thoughts that don’t match up with a woman who has seen what standing in faith produces- God’s glory and goodness revealed when we weather a storm well. Often times, doubt dashes me against the rocks when I’ve had to endure for a long season. Not perfect, but in pursuit of the One who is. This Monday’s Marinatewe look at doubt and what it takes to dispel worrisome thoughts that threaten like a sky darkened grey, metallic tasting air from lightning strikes too close to home. It’s what we do in the midst of them that matters.

beyond a shadow of doubt

That somehow, the plane won’t break apart when life gets too bumpy and leave my wreckage of woes on the tarmac. Concepts easy enough to grasp, but turbulence tempts me to doubt the mechanics of faith will hold firm. It is in these shadows that we learn about His return, about His redeeming work of mankind, and about the paradise that is to come on a fresh, newly created planet earth.ĭoes it sound interesting? It's fascinating! Please join us for this in-depth study of the Messiah in the Appointed Times.Like an airplane in a storm I circle round and round. With this fact established, every person should give close attention to the next three Appointed Times, since they give insight into the Messiah’s return to earth and His coronation as the divine king. In short, Jesus’ precise fulfillment of the Appointed Times confirm beyond a shadow of doubt that He is truly the Lord’s Messiah. As we explore the Appointed Times in light of the rest of the Scriptures, it becomes apparent that their timing and meanings precisely match the key events of the final days of Jesus’ ministry on earth – they reveal His worthiness as a sacrifice, His crucifixion, burial, and resurrection from the dead, in addition to the sending of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. The Bible presents them as the Lord’s Appointed Times, suggesting that their meanings are significant in God’s sovereign plan. The Appointed Times are not simply human inventions or imaginings.

Beyond a shadow of doubt