
Call of duty world war 2 playstation 4
Call of duty world war 2 playstation 4

call of duty world war 2 playstation 4

ExpandĭO NOT EXPECT YOUR ORIGINAL FONDNESS TO BE REKINDLED BY THIS MASQUERADE. The only reason anyone even likes this game is because the previous three titles in this franchise set the bar so astronomical low that something as asinine as boots on the ground game play seems refreshing to the fanboys who waste their money on this game year after year. The perk system in this game is pretty much non-existent and there are only 9 maps available which are all uninspired 3 route camper fests and a chore to play. MP is a bug filled, lagging mess full of hit-markers that don't kill your enemies due to Activision's refusal to implement dedicated servers and one of the most counter intuitive menu systems of all time. Multiplayer is where the ineptitude of Activation and Sledgehammer really shines through though. It basically plays like an fps from 2003 but with fancier graphics.

call of duty world war 2 playstation 4

Campaign is around 5 hours and is a fairly standard corridor shooter with nothing memorable that comes to mind in regards to the storyline or characters. Campaign is around 5 hours and is a fairly standard corridor shooter with nothing memorable that comes to mind in regards to Game is trash.

Call of duty world war 2 playstation 4